Christine Cuatto ASOTU CON Headshot

Christina Cuatto

Director of Product Management, DealerOn

Speaker Spotlight


Christina Cuatto serves as the Director of Product at DealerOn. In her role, Christina leads her team in the development and management of Ancillary Products, which enhance DealerOn’s core offerings such as website solutions, SEM, and SEO services. Under her leadership, her team focuses on innovative tools like Cyrus Chat and Apex Digital Retail, aiming to revolutionize digital retailing for auto dealers and their customers.

Christina’s approach is deeply influenced by DealerOn’s culture of dedication and feedback-oriented product development, ensuring that every product not only meets but exceeds dealer and shopper expectations. This commitment to innovation and quality sets DealerOn apart in the competitive automotive digital services space.

Beyond her professional role, Christina is passionate about travel, cooking, and historical non-fiction. Her favorite travel destination is Venice, Italy, reflecting her love for unique cultural experiences. In her spare time, she enjoys making pizza and pasta from scratch, a testament to her creative and hands-on approach in all aspects of life.

Christina’s career advice: balance seriousness with the understanding that not every issue is a crisis, advocating for a balanced approach to both work and life.

Speaker Sessions

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